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The Big Bang Theory: The Origin of the Universe

By Amita Vadlamudi

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Humans have been wondering about the origins of the universe for centuries. It has been the prime subject of religious, philosophical, and scientific discussion. In the midst of all the frenzy surrounding the discovery of the universe’s origins, The Big Bang Theory has been known to be one of the most widely accepted theories.

Though the theory is mostly welcomed, it is also very misconstrued. The big bang theory is an attempt to explain how the universe actually came to be, from a state of being very tiny and dense mass to this colossal well-organized system. It should be kept in mind that the theory does not attempt to explain what actually started the creation of the universe or what lies outside the universe or whatever came before the big bang itself.

Another misconception that the people have is that it was some kind of an explosion. That is also not exactly accurate. The big bang actually describes the expansion of the universe.

In short, the Big Bang Theory states that all of the matter of the universe came into existence at the same time, which was roughly 13.8 billion years ago. Before that, all matter was compacted into a miniature ball of incredible density and intense heat.

The mathematical undertones of the Big Bang Theory include Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity along with the theory of fundamental particles. Since current instruments do not allow the scientists to peer into the past and see what the universe was before its birth, mathematical formulas and models are used to make assumptions about it. According to scientists, the first second after the universe began the temperature was up to, unfathomable, 180 billion degrees Fahrenheit. The cosmos contained a vast array of basic particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons. These particles later decayed and combined as the universe got colder.

Ever since the Roman Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre first noted in 1927 that the universe can actually be traced back in time to a certain point of origin, scientists have played with the idea of cosmic expansion. The scientific community was at first divided between different theories, but after the presentation of a number of proofs by scientists, it is the Big Bang theory that is currently most believed in.

The scientists are not sure what really caused the big bang, how the universe evolved after that, and whether the big bang is still in full swing or not. Continuous research will need to be done to have concrete facts.

About the Author: Amita Vadlamudi is the writer and blogger of many articles on astronomy and other scientific subjects. Some of Ms. Vadlamudi’s other articles on these subjects are “Our Solar System.” and “Evolution of Humans.” Amita Vadlamudi’s professional qualifications can be found on her site.